MEDIA 206: Database Driven Websites

Credits 5
Quarter Offered

This course introduces the fundamentals of database driven website development using the PHP programming language and MySql relational database management system. Students will learn web application programming fundamentals by developing a relational database and PHP web applications. Students will also gain hands-on experience working with web application security and common web application features like create, read, update and delete. Basic understanding of HTML recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections.

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of server-side versus client-side web programming.
  2. Setup, configure and manage remote hosting account for PHP/MySQL web applications.
  3. Demonstrate ability to use file transfer protocol (ftp) tools and simple PHP code editors.
  4. Write PHP code to generate HTML responses.
  5. Create and use web form input fields to pass variables with PHP.
  6. Demonstrate ability to control code with conditions and functions.
  7. Demonstrate use of loops and arrays with PHP code.
  8. Create and maintain a relational database with MySQL.
  9. Demonstrate the ability to connect to MySQL databases from PHP web applications.
  10. Demonstrate the ability to find and debug PHP and SQL code with error messages, problem solving and critical thinking.
  11. Build a web application the can create, read, update and delete data stored in a database.