ANTH& 210: Indians of North America

Provides a general view of the variations in the lifeways of the Native Americans up to current times. Major Native American culture areas are visited and discussed in a broad comparative context. We examine current indigenous and scientific thoughts about the origins, development and variation of North American Native culture areas. We also examine current issues and legal contexts, with a particular focus on cultural resource management (CRM) and the laws applied throughout North American and their continuing applications in attempts to protect cultural resources. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

  1. Describe general cultural and environmental characteristics of the Native American culture areas of North America,
  2. Describe how social scientist have described the languages, human biology and archaeological heritage of the people in each of the Native American culture areas,
  3. Recognize the indigenous and scientific views of ancient development of Native American societies in each of the culture areas
  4. Explain the historical cross-cultural contact period that set the stage for treaties and efforts by the U.S., Canada and Mexico to acculturate Native Americans into their culture,
  5. Describe social and political impact of European contact in North America,
  6. Discuss the shifts in U.S. government policy toward Native Americans: “civilizing” missions, removal policy, Dawes Act, Reorganization Act, termination and relocation policy, self-determination policy, and current trends,
  7. Articulate the impact of recent CRM laws:  Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA), American Indian Religious Freedoms Act (AIRFA), Native American Graves and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), establishment of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO) and others,
  8. Analyze perspectives on the history of anthropological research in Native North America,
  9. Analyze contemporary issues in Native North America, including development of future fishing, sea mammal hunting, land mammal hunting, gathering, logging and gaming.
Credits 5
Lecture Hours
Lecture Hours 55
Distribution List
Academic Elective