HR-BAS 346: Application of HR Technology and Analytics

This course introduces practical applications of technology and analytics in the field of Human Resources (HR). Students will explore how emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence in data analytics are transforming HR functions. The HR system technology impacts functions such as talent acquisition and management, compensation and benefits administration, performance evaluation, and workforce analytics. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Must be seeking a Bachelor of Applied Science in Management degree to enroll. If interested, visit


Human Resources Management BAS Program Admittance

  1. Articulate the role of technology in modern HR practices.
  2. Analyze system considerations and the design of HR technology.
  3. Utilize HR analytics tools to drive data driven decisions.
  4. Evaluate the impact of HR technology and analytics on organizational performance.
  5. Explore emerging trends and future directions in HR technology.
Credits 5
Lecture Hours
Lecture Hours 55
Quarter Offered