DHYG 115: Pre-Clinical Dental Hygiene

Students are introduced to the theoretical and practical aspects of all areas of clinical dental hygiene. Areas explored include the contemporary role of the dental hygienist, the evolving profession of dental hygiene, and procedures and techniques that are utilized in the dental hygiene process of care. Emphasis is on professionalism, patient communication, ergonomics, clinical systems and protocol, infection control, basic instrumentation and sharpening. This course also includes OSHA, CDC, hazard communication and infection control guidelines. This class may include students from multiple sections.


Concurrent enrollment in DHYG 116

  1. Exhibit professionalism through personal appearance, attitude, legal and ethical conduct appropriate for the learning environment and ethical delivery of dental hygiene care.
  2. Explain novice professional and culturally sensitive communication skills.
  3. Identify the various roles of the dental hygienist and promote their growth through self-assessment and lifelong learning.
  4. Describe ADA recognized dental specialties and distinguish their respective areas of dental care delivery.
  5. Distinguish and summarize the phases of the dental hygiene process of care:  Assessment, problem Identification/Diagnosis, Planning, Implementation, and Outcome Evaluation.
  6. Define infection control protocols established by the Washington State Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP).
  7. Describe accurate, appropriate, comprehensive medical/dental history intake, and explain its rationale and implications.
  8. Define normal vital signs:  Temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiration, and explain the ramification(s) regarding deviations from normal.
  9. Describe a systematic extra-oral and intra-oral examination of the hard and soft tissues.
  10. Describe correct hard tissue dental charting and periodontal charting and their record maintenance.
  11. Differentiate principles and demonstrate proper use of mirror, explorer, and probe including grasp and fulcrum.
  12. Describe the rationale for proper ergonomic positioning of patient and operator.
  13. Describe the design, function and use of basic universal curette scaling instruments and their sharpening method.
  14. Define American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) status and discuss clinical care considerations.
Lecture Hours