Professional Technical Certificate

Entrepreneurship Certificate

Area of Study
Business and Management
Offered Online
Program Coordinator

Rob DeCou
(360) 417-6213

Program Description

The Entrepreneurship Certificate program prepares students for new venture planning, entrepreneurial start-up, social media marketing, and entrepreneurial finance. The program teaches students how to build a successful entrepreneurial venture from the ground up including analysis of an entrepreneurial mind set, market assessment, how to write a business plan, and innovative social media marketing strategies. This program is designed to allow students in Energy Technology and other innovation programs the opportunity to gain the knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship.

Program Length: 2 Quarters
Program Code: ENRENC20

Career Opportunities and Earnings 

Recent economic trends indicate a major increase in small business start-ups. Many successful entrepreneurs become employers. This program allows students in an energy or innovative program to add the entrepreneurship skills to their education to either start a small business or understand how to market an idea from start to finish.

Small business owners perform a variety of tasks including business planning, sales, accounting, finance, and social media marketing. Earnings for small business owners vary.

For current employment and wage estimates, please visit and search for the relevant occupational term:

Program Outcomes

When this program is completed, the student will be able to:

  • Write and present a business plan
  • Identify business start-up funding sources
  • Demonstrate an entrepreneurial mind-set and the skills required to be a successful entrepreneur
  • Analyze market trends and innovation for new opportunities
  • Work in teams to cultivate ideas into a working plan for an entrepreneurial venture
  • Apply critical thinking skills to entrepreneurial and new venture processes
  • Develop and market a business presence and webpage on the Internet


  • Encourages students to develop a roadmap to successful entrepreneurship and business ventures
  • Provides up to date curriculum that adapts to entrepreneurial trends
  • Significantly more cost effective than most private and public schools

Program Prerequisites 

Prerequisite requirements must be fulfilled prior to enroll in some courses. Prerequisite requirements are listed together with course titles and descriptions of required program courses in the catalog. All core classes for this certificate are available either online or as a hybrid class. This certificate is designed for future entrepreneurs in conjunction with their degree or certificate.

Approximate Additional Costs

  • Books, supplies and miscellaneous fees (per quarter): $200 - $250
  • Tuition and fees: $3,297.06 total based on 2024-25 WA resident tuition rates (additional fees may apply)
    • First quarter (16 credits): $1,877.16
    • Second quarter (10 credits): $1,419.90

Sample Schedule  

This sample schedule is provided as a guide for a full-time student starting in fall quarter whose goal is to earn a certificate. The typical student schedule is based on entering the program during the fall quarter, however some programs allow students to enter in the winter or spring as well. Since not all do, please confirm with an advisor whether this program must be started during a specific quarter or not.    

First Quarter (Fall)

Catalog #

Learn the fundamentals of small business accounting and bookkeeping. Topics include analyzing transactions, inventories, receivables, and cash flow, financial statement analysis, budgeting, product pricing and capital investment analysis. Review and implement key accounting concepts and procedures including setting up new company, establishing a chart of accounts, beginning balance, customers, vendors and product/services. Recording operating activities: sales and cash receipts, purchases and cash payments, investing and financing activities, as well as payroll. Establishing budgets and preparing bank reconciliations, analysis and recording of adjusting entries, and preparation of financial statements and reports. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 6

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This course introduces the fundamental considerations of starting and growing a business. Topics include entrepreneur readiness, operational planning, market planning, and cash flow forecasting. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 5

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Introduction to business systems, processes, and the general business environment. Students explore marketing, management, finance, accounting, business law, information technology, human resources, entrepreneurship, and emerging business topics. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

Credits: 5

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Sub-Total Credits

Second Quarter (Winter)

Catalog #

An introduction to management concepts, including topics of planning, organizing, leading, managing, and motivating available human resources and business assets to optimally and ethically accomplish performance goals. This class may include students from multiple sections. 

Credits: 5

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Learn how to become a small business owner. Students will analyze entrepreneurship and perspectives for success in their chosen field or service. Class features business scenario simulations as a key component to entrepreneurialism and start up. Other topics include entrepreneurship life, commitment to integrity, quality performance, innovation, motivations of owning a business, and influences on decision making. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 5

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits