FLE 151-153: Parenting Skills

For parents who have a child enrolled in an early childhood cooperative laboratory program. Develops and/ or enhances positive parenting skills. Parent seminars, observation, and participation in children’s program. Fall, Winter, Spring sequence.

This class has a tuition rate of $20 per credit.

A:  Parenting Skills

Parents who attend classes will improve their parenting skills and increase their knowledge in the following areas:

  1. How children grow and develop.
  2. Making healthy and age appropriate choices for their children.
  3. Handling day-to-day challenges of raising children.
  4. Helping children learn.
  5. Coping with stress in their own lives, self-care and stress management.
  6. Positive interaction with co-parents and parents of other children.
  7. Awareness of community information, programs and resources that are available.
  8. Satisfaction in their parenting experiences.
  9. Using positive discipline appropriately with children.

B and C: Kaleidoscope Play and Learn

Parents and caregivers learn about:

  1. Activities they can do at home to support children's learning.
  2. Turning everyday activities- such as grocery shopping, cooking, and bath time- into early learning opportunities.
  3. Child development from birth to five.
  4. Skills children are expected to have by Kindergarten.
  5. Community programs and services available to help them raise healthy children.
  6. Building connections and friendships and how these lead to feeling support in the parental role.