H ED 95: HIV/AIDS Licensure 7 Hours

Selections from etiology and epidemiology of HIV; transmission and infection control; testing and counseling; clinical manifestations and treatment; legal and ethical issues; psychosocial issues. This class may include students from multiple sections. Confirm requirement for licensing (H ED 90 4 hour or H ED 95 7 hour) at doh.wa.gov/licenses-permits-and-certificates/professions-new-renew-or-update

  1. Outline the local, national, and global etiology and epidemiology of HIV/AIDS.
  2. List 3 modes of transmission of HIV infection.
  3. Compare and contrast infection control precautions, including universal and standard precautions.
  4. Differentiate laboratory tests for the diagnosis and monitoring of HIV infection:
    a. Screening tests
    b. Confirmatory tests
    c. Viral load
  5. Compare and contrast different treatment regimens.
    a. Occupational exposure (PEP)
    b. Nonoccupational exposure (nPEP)
    c. Antiretroviral treatment (ART)
    d. Primary Prevention (PrEP)
  6. Apply the legal and ethical issues related to HIV/AIDs:
    a. Reporting infection to public health
    b. Confidentiality
    c. Discrimination
    d. Public endangerment
  7. Illustrate the psychosocial issues of HIV/AIDS infection on:
    a. Patient and family
    b. Friends
    c. Caregivers
    ​​​​​​​d. Social Consciousness
Credits 0