Klallam (KLA)


KLA 121: Introduction to the Klallam Language

Credits 5

An introduction to the basics of Coast Salish languages focusing on Klallam, the language of the northern Olympic Peninsula. After covering the sound system and alphabet with practice in listening, spelling, and pronunciation, the course will introduce the fundamental transitive and intransitive grammatical constructions with an emphasis on useful phrases. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

KLA 122: Klallam Language II

Credits 5

This is a continuation of KLA 121. The class will continue deepening and expanding students' understanding of the Klallam language. The class will intensify instruction with more emphasis on transitive, reciprocal, reflexive grammatical constructions, including question construction. These will be covered with ample practice in use. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

KLA 123: Klallam Language III

Credits 5

This is a continuation of KLA 122. We will continue deepening and expanding our understanding of the Klallam language. More on transitive and passive constructions; expressions of time, place, and path; discourse structure and storytelling patterns will be covered with ample practice in use. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)

KLA 221: Klallam Language IV

Credits 5

Continuation of KLA 123. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; introduction to Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

KLA 222: Klallam Language V

Credits 5

Continuation of KLA 221. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; continued exploration of Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

KLA 223: Klallam Language VI

Credits 5

Continuation of KLA 222. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; continued exploration into Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)