Professional Technical Certificate

Multimedia Digital Video Short Term Certificate

Area of Study
Arts and Communication
Offered Online
Program Coordinator

Renne Brock
(360) 417-6249

Program Description

This certificate will provide students with beginning and advanced digital video skills. Students will plan, film, edit, and stream short digital videos on the internet. Produce documentary shorts that capture a story to achieve informational or emotional ends. Explore documentary styles, filmmaking, directing, and production management.

Program Code: DMWDVC01

Program Outcomes

  • Collaborate with community members and classmates to research, propose, plan, organize, film, edit, and evaluate various course digital video productions
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the technology skills required to produce short digital video interviews, public service announcements, original stories, and documentaries
  • Create an online video blog portfolio and develop transmedia campaigns to market video projects

Approximate Additional Costs

  • Books, supplies and miscellaneous fees (per quarter): $100
  • Computer which meets the system requirements of required software*: approximately $1,400-$1,700
  • ‘Adobe Creative Cloud for Education’ or ‘Adobe Creative Cloud’ (Education edition available with use of Peninsula College student email address): approximately $20 per month
  • E-Portfolio website hosting and domain registration: approximately $175 per year
  • Digital camera: $500-$1000

*Please confirm the computer you have access to meets the system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro:

Catalog #

This course introduces students to digital video, audio, motion graphics, and digital filming techniques. Students will plan, film, edit, and stream short digital videos on the internet. Students enrolling in this class must supply their own digital video camera and have good computer skills. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 5

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Introduction to documentary styles, filmmaking, directing, and production management, web promotion, broadcast, and screening. Students will learn the critical production decisions involved in documentary digital video production while producing short films. An overview of production methods such as idea development, research, proposal and scriptwriting, budgeting, and working with cast and crew with innovative collaborative tools. Students will discuss rights clearances, common challenges, and ethical issues. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 5

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Designed to teach students the principles of digital photography with an emphasis on the discovery of solutions for artistic challenges to composition, lighting, color and photographic technology. Students will explore the cultural influences of visual communication and the evolution of traditional photography into the digital age. Good computer and file management skills are recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 4

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits