Professional Technical Certificate

Multimedia Journalism Foundations Short Term Certificate

Area of Study
Arts and Communication
Program Coordinator

Renne Brock
(360) 417-6249

Program Description

This certificate will provide students with an understanding of professional communications grounded in Mass Media. Students will learn how print, visual and broadcast communications are created, edited and published on a variety of media platforms. Courses will emphasize workflow, publication of media, analysis of news, entertainment, and persuasive storytelling. Students will differentiate between facts, opinion, and analysis.

Program Code: DMWJFC01

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate responsible skills for collaboration in management, ethical writing, and editing with use of graphic design fundamentals and production to assemble publications for print and online delivery
  • Research, plan, use photography principles, and creative techniques to execute and assemble a photo stories and newspaper layouts comprised of aesthetic compositions and journalistic integrity

Approximate Additional Costs

  • Books, supplies and miscellaneous fees (per quarter): $250
  • Computer which meets the system requirements of required software*: approximately $1,400-$1,700
  • ‘Adobe Creative Cloud for Education’ or ‘Adobe Creative Cloud’ (Education edition available with use of Peninsula College student email address): approximately $20 per month
  • E-Portfolio website hosting and domain registration: approximately $175 per year
  • Digital camera: $500-$1000

*Please confirm the computer you have access to meets the system requirements for Adobe Premiere Pro:

Catalog #

Examines vital issues for people who use mass media or are affected by it. Emphasis on freedom of expression, censorship, fair trial, privacy, ethics, law, media economics, technology, effectiveness in communicating to audiences and relationships to social, cultural, and political values in the United States and throughout the world. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)

Credits: 5

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Introduction to Photojournalism I Foundation class in use of cameras, lenses, light, composition, timing, and field techniques. Emphasis on news and feature photography with principles applicable to all visual communications, including video. Produce black and white photos for assignments, mass communications, including the students news service The Buccaneer. Provide own DSLR camera equipment or mobile device and USB drive for photo storage and field work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)

Credits: 5

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This course concentrates on the creative and practical exploration of computer graphics and page layout design. Students will explore basic concepts of digital media, terminology and acquire hands-on experience working with industry standard page layout and illustration software. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 5

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Designed to teach students the principles of digital photography with an emphasis on the discovery of solutions for artistic challenges to composition, lighting, color and photographic technology. Students will explore the cultural influences of visual communication and the evolution of traditional photography into the digital age. Good computer and file management skills are recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections.

Credits: 4

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits