Music (MUSC/MUSC&)

Transfer Degree-Emphasis


MUSC& 105: Music Appreciation

Credits 5

Exploration of how and why we listen to music. Examination of the many roles that music plays in various world cultures. Musical examples drawn from Asia, Africa, Indonesia, North and South America (including Native American tribal groups), jazz, blues, and the Western classical tradition. No prior musical experience is necessary. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective) 

MUSC& 141: Music Theory I

Credits 5

Develops musicianship through study and application of compositional elements. Emphasis on musical notation, aural skills, and aesthetic musical values. Each quarter prerequisite to the next or by permission of instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)

MUSC 110: History of Rock N Roll

Credits 5

A cultural/sociological history of pop music in the USA. Musical antecedents (blues, country, rhythm and blues) and outside influences (African drumming, Latin rhythms, folksingers) will be included, but the focus will be on the pop music of this period. The music will be addressed within the context of societal issues such as racism, conformity, generational conflict, governmental repression and censorship. This class my include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)

MUSC 136: Jazz Ensemble

Credits 1 3

Study jazz styles through performance of jazz literature. Emphasis on development of improvisational techniques. Course is contingent upon availability of qualified students. This class may be repeated up to nine times for a total of nine credits. Instructor permission required. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 139: Jazz Improvisation Seminar

Credits 1 2

Seminar focusing on development of skills and techniques in jazz improvisation. Students should be able to read notes and chord symbols and should be acquainted with basic music theory principles. Concurrent enrollment in Jazz Ensemble is suggested but not mandatory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 146: Vocal Ensemble

Credits 2

The study and performance of specialized contemporary and jazz vocal music suitable for beginning and advanced students. This class may be repeated up to three times for a total of six credits. Instructor permission required. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 158: Beginning Piano

Credits 2

This course is designed for the beginning student with little or no keyboard experience. Students will become proficient in note reading by interval and note name, rhythm/rest values, and use of chords in C, G and F. Maximum enrollment, 8 students. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

This class has a $15 music lab fee.

MUSC 179: Concert Band

Credits 2

The Peninsula College Concert Band provides large ensemble experience for instrumentalists and gives Port Angeles a local concert band. Perform the finest wind band literature, both contemporary and traditional. Focus on musicianship, winds and percussion techniques, and performance skills through study of literature from all stylistic periods in various musical styles and cultures. Weekly rehearsals and one concert per quarter. This course may be repeated up to six times for a total of twelve credits. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 236: Jazz Ensemble

Credits 1 3

Study jazz styles through performance of jazz literature. Emphasis on development of improvisational techniques. Course is contingent upon availability of qualified students. This class may be repeated up to nine times for a total of nine credits. Instructor permission required. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 239: Jazz Improvisation Seminar

Credits 1 2

Seminar focusing on development of skills and techniques in jazz improvisation. Students should be able to read notes and chord symbols and should be acquainted with basic music theory principles. Concurrent enrollment in Jazz Ensemble is suggested but not mandatory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 246: Vocal Ensemble

Credits 2

Continuation of MUSC 146. The study and performance of specialized contemporary and jazz vocal music suitable for beginning and advanced students. This class may be repeated up to three times for a total of six credits. Instructor permission required. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)

MUSC 260: Special Topics

Credits 1 5

Special topics in music. This class may be repeated six times for up to thirty credits. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)