NAC 105: Nursing Assistant Certified

Course studies the role of the nursing assistant, including basic nursing skills, emergency procedures, and laws and regulations affecting nursing assistants. Course consists of classroom, laboratory, and clinical experiences needed to become a nursing assistant. On completion, students are eligible to take the Washington State Certificate Exam, making them employable in many settings such as hospitals, skilled nursing facilities (long term care and rehab), and assisted living facilities. To meet the hours of education required by the state, attendance for all classes and clinicals is mandatory. Students must complete application process, including a Washington State Patrol background check, and be accepted into the course. This class may include students from multiple sections.

For more information, go to

This class has a $25.00 first aid class fee and a $15.75 liability insurance course fee.

  1. Apply skills and knowledge of high quality nursing assistant care, as a member of a LTC professional team.
  2. Articulate accurate objective medical information verbally and in writing to other professional team members.
  3. Demonstrate proficient assistance to a wide variety of residents in a safe, clean environment.
  4. Create a care environment that encourages independence, while maintaining dignity, for each resident in their care.
  5. Demonstrate competence with care assistance, and decision making.
  6. Identify potential hazards and infectious agents to help with facility safety.
  7. Demonstrate an understanding of the health care system.
  8. Identify the facility policies and procedures and adhere with high self-expectations and standards.
  9. Identify healthy care practices for themselves and their families, using the new skills learned in care giving.
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Clinical Hours
Quarter Offered

Degrees/Certificates that Require Course