Commitment to Diversity

As a public institution committed to lifelong learning, we recognize the changing communities we serve. Our goal is to seek, involve, and value diverse peoples—their contributions, perspectives, and potentials—and to nurture those threads of common experience and desire that unify differences. To this end, we are committed to cultural and personal diversity and to valuing individual differences. Through positive effort and attention, we work to integrate diversity throughout the college.

Peninsula College provides equal opportunity in education and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, creed, religion, or status as a veteran of war.

Coordination of compliance is the responsibility of the following:

Hanan Zawideh, Vice President of Human Resources, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
1502 E. Lauridsen Boulevard
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-6212

Peninsula College tiene un compromiso con el concepto y la práctica de la igualdad de oportunidades en educación y empleo y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, presencia de alguna discapacidad, sexo, orientación sexual, estado civil, credo, religión, o condición de veterano de guerra.

La coordinacion de cumplimiento ha sido designada a la persona que se menciona a continuación:

Hanan Zawideh, Vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos, Diversidad, Equidad, Inclusión
1502 E. Lauridsen Boulevard
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 417-6212

To receive the following information in an alternative format, contact Access Services at:, or (360) 417-6373.