For information about student life, visit You'll learn about available services, where to find them, and how to become involved in campus life. Information about College policies and procedures, including policies relating to discipline and due process, is also included.
We serve a population diverse in age, geographical origin, and cultural background. In recognition of this diversity, an effort is made to offer and assist with a broad range of activities outside the classroom to encourage the greatest possible personal development. Some activities are provided through the efforts of student government; others are encouraged by interest groups.
Student Government
The Associated Students are governed by the Associated Student Council (ASC), which is comprised of 11 officers. This group plans activities for all students and allocates funds for campus student activities and organizations. For more information about student government and the ASC Constitution visit
Clubs and Organizations
Students are encouraged to participate in student clubs and organizations. Information about joining clubs, or forming new clubs, is available at You can participate in a number of clubs and organizations on campus and in the community. Assistance in joining or forming clubs is available by calling the Associate Dean for Athletics and Student Life at (360) 417-6533.
Honor Society
Peninsula College has a chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for students of two-year colleges. The local chapter, Beta Delta Nu, inducts new members and sponsors a student club. To become a member, individuals must have earned at least fifteen credits with a cumulative GPA of 3.7. For more information, contact
Recreation Programs
The College has designed a wide range of activities to meet the diverse physical interests of the campus population. Included are intramural sports, group recreation activities, special events, and open recreation. Intramural activities are provided for individual and team competitions. Activities include basketball, bowling, soccer, and volleyball.
Open recreation is scheduled during mid-day in the gymnasium and throughout the day for personal fitness in the College’s Fitness Center.
College Publications
Journalism students gain experience and credit while providing the college with the award-winning newspaper, The Buccaneer. Students contribute to stories and photos published online at
Individuals may also gain publication experience by producing the college literary magazine, Tidepools, which is published annually. Anyone may submit materials to Tidepools in the fall of each year.
Intercollegiate Athletics
Peninsula College offers men’s and women’s varsity basketball, men’s and women’s varsity soccer, and coed varsity esports. The Peninsula College Pirates play in the Northwest Athletic Conference (NWAC) for basketball and soccer and in the National Junior College Athletics Association (NJCAA) in esports. Prospective players are encouraged to contact the respective coach. See the directory at