Credits 5 Lecture hours per quarter 55
Quarter Offered

This course will introduce students to the theory in family strategies used in the practice of family systems counseling. The focus of the course will be on building a theoretical base for understanding techniques. Didactic and experiential learning will provide students with the opportunity to apply and integrate knowledge and skills gained through reading, lectures, and video. This class may include student from multiple sections.

Must be seeking a Bachelor of Applied Science in Behavioral Healthcare degree to enroll. If interested, visit


Behavioral Healthcare BAS Program Admittance

  1. Articulate a fundamental understanding of family systems theories.
  2. Describe assessment, treatment planning, intervention, and evaluation in family systems.
  3. Describe family developmental processes as they relate to the family life cycle.
  4. Describe how problems develop, are maintained, and are resolved within a family system.
  5. Describe families as distinct cultural systems, embedded in and influenced by other sociocultural systems.
  6. Define the importance of family, social networks, and community systems in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.