SPAN& 123: Spanish III

Continues Spanish I and II emphasis on the four skills of mastering a second language, listening, reading, writing, speaking. Introduction to culture of the Spanish-speaking countries. Learner-centered instruction. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)


SPAN& 122, two years high school Spanish, the equivalent, or instructor permission

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of cultural elements and understand their role in communication at the basic level.
  2. Apply new Spanish vocabulary through a variety of written and oral assignments at the basic level.
  3. Demonstrate novice level proficiency in listening, reading, speaking and writing in Spanish and the ability to function effectively in Spanish in a variety of real-life situations.
  4. Awareness of the importance of foreign languages to professions and careers.
  5. Demonstrate an understanding of cultural elements and their role that influences the language and the culture of the Spanish - speaking countries.
Credits 5
Lecture Hours
Lecture Hours 55
Quarter Offered
Distribution List
Academic Elective