Professional Technical Certificate

Construction Technology Cabinetry and Finish Carpentry Short Term Certificate

Area of Study
Skilled Trades
Program Coordinator

Pat Nickerson
(360) 417-7972

Program Code: CARBFC01

Program Outcomes

  • Use hand tools and power machinery safely
  • Perform the tasks associated with building custom cabinets, including construction cabinet boxes and cabinet doors
  • Perform the tasks required to properly install windows, doors, molding, and trim
Catalog #

Introduction to woodworking tools, materials, hand and power tools used in residential and commercial jobsites. Overview of the woodworking industry, safety and building materials. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Formerly GRBD 101)

Credits: 3

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Students will explore the art of creating finished pieces and establishing a career in the woodworking industry. This class covers advanced woodworking, cabinet making, and Labor and Industry guidelines for shop floor plans and walkways. Students will construct using jogs and templates. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Formerly GRBD 102)

This class has a $65 construction technology course fee.

Credits: 5

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Students will learn finish carpentry techniques, craftsmanship finishing touches on construction project. Learn about traditional, colonial and modern construction styles including interior and exterior trim. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Formerly GRBD 103)

This class has a $65 construction technology course fee.

Credits: 5

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits