HUMDV 103: Student Success Skills

Develop the essential skills necessary to achieve student success through this fun and informative class. Students will learn effective communication skills, creative problem solving techniques, helpful decision making skills, how to establish a support network with other students, and how to set and achieve realistic goals. Class includes time on the outdoor stationary Challenge Course. No prerequisites. No text required.

  1. Solve problems which increase in difficulty; in a group setting, determine how to get entire group from point A to point B with minimal resources.
  2. Make decisions that are in the individual's and group's best interest; as a group member, select a leader, decide upon the most efficient way to successfully accomplish a task; when mistakes are made, rethink decisions and analyze their effectiveness.
  3. Communicate comprehensively and effectively; articulate triumph, fears, concerns, needs; be verbally and non-verbally supportive of other group member's triumph, fears, concerns, and needs; provide nonverbal feedback to group members.
  4. Cooperate with group; take leadership role as well as follower role when necessary to accomplish task successfully; help others willingly without waiting to be approached; recognize a need and assist in taking care of that need.
  5. Recognize and respect individual perceptions and diversity within a group; explain directions in a manner so that different group members can grasp them clearly.
  6. Follow directions and complete activities.
  7. Explain how the metaphor used to set up an imaginary problem connects with their real life and/or classroom situation; verbally articulate what the activity elements helped them learn about themselves and/or others and how that transfers into the classroom.
Credits 1