Survey of workplace skills, including communication, team building, problem solving, and leadership. Emphasis on concepts of perception, attitude, motivation, and ethics.
Course Outcomes
- Explain the importance of human relations in the workplace.
- Acknowledge and apply differences in perceptions to group situations.
- Define, analyze, and demonstrate communications skills in speaking and listening.
- Describe and employ common strategies for problem solving and for conflict management.
- Describe and apply effective group and team-building skills.
- Illustrate the value of motivation, mission statement, and goal setting to organizations.
- Identify steps in the change process and strategies for reducing and overcoming resistance to change.
- Analyze sources and types of leadership and power.
- Identify and apply guidelines for ethical behaviors.
- Define human diversity and explain how it affects organizations.
- Describe employee rights and responsibilities including health and wellness, workplace etiquette, and unions.
- Prepare a resume and research good interviewing techniques.