IS 150: Foundations of Knowledge

An introductory course that explores the nature of knowledge and its pursuit from the primary academic disciplines of mathematics, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. An emphasis is placed on establishing linkages across these disciplines to expand the realm of possible discourse. Students will develop and apply critical thinking, communication, and self-assessment skills, along with the ability to integrate multiple perspectives. As part of the class, students will engage in interdisciplinary readings and discussions of seminal ideas on a common theme to be determined by the instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)


Eligibility for ENGL& 101

  1. Define and discuss major theories of knowledge.
  2. Apply, compare, and assess different disciplinary approaches as they apply to complex themes or problems.
  3. Develop and demonstrate critical thinking skills.
  4. Develop and demonstrate information literacy skills.
  5. Communicate ideas clearly in both oral and written form.
  6. Assess one's own learning through ongoing self-assessment exercises.
  7. Demonstrate and develop strong interpersonal/team skills.
  8. Apply interdisciplinary perspectives to discussions of the course theme.
Credits 5
Lecture Hours
Lecture Hours 55
Quarter Offered
Distribution List
Academic Elective