Professional Technical Certificate

Early Childhood Education Administration Specialization Short Term Certificate

Area of Study
Social Sciences and Education
Program Coordinator

Anna King
(360) 417-6495

Program Code: ECEADC20

Program Outcomes

  • Apply the professional code of ethics for early care and education to resolve dilemmas
  • Practice ideals of professionalism in work with children, families and peers
  • Develop strategies for working with culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse families in accessing health, nutritional, and dental services
  • Explain individual differences in development
  • Plan environment supportive of children's development with focus on attachment, self-help, relationships, and executive function
  • Plan for appropriate staffing, meals, equipment and materials and programming for specific age groups and settings

As of Fall 2019, this program requires students to achieve a grade of 2.0 or above in all ECED and EDUC classes to progress through and complete the program.

Catalog #

Explore the foundations of early childhood education. Examine theories defining the field, issues and trends, best practices, and program models. Observe children, professionals in action. This class may include students from multiple sections. STARS approved.

Credits: 5

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Introduces basic concepts of equitable health, safety, and nutrition standards for the growing child in group care and education programs. Requirements as outlined in Chare Care Block Grant funding (CCDF) and state licensing standards for child care providers will be covered including the knowledge and skills to ensure appropriate health, nutritional, and safety practices. In addition, the course will emphasize the skills necessary to recognize signs of child maltreatment, the educator’s role as a mandated reporter and the process of identifying and referring families to available community resources. This class may include students from multiple sections. STARS approved.

Credits: 5

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This course will provide students an opportunity to focus on, develop and apply best practice for engaging in nurturing, supportive relationships with children, families, and professional peers in an early learning setting. Students will apply and additional focus of children’s health and safety while promoting growth and development to relationship building with children and families. This class may include students from multiple sections. STARS approved.

Credits: 2

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This course will help students develop administrative skills required to develop, open, operate, manage, and assess early childhood education and care programs. Students will explore techniques and resources available to Washington State licensing and NAEYC standard compliance. This class may include students from multiple sections. 

Credits: 3

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Build a functional understanding of the foundation of child development from conception through early adolescence in all domains of development as seen through various developmental theories. The impact of culture, race, gender identity, socioeconomic status, family status, and exceptionalities on overall development will be examined as well as current research regarding brain development. Methods of observing and documenting developmental growth will be examined. This class may include students from multiple sections. STARS approved. (Formerly EDUC& 114, Elective)

Credits: 5

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Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits