Complete your Associate in Arts Degree, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) with an emphasis in Kinesiology in preparation for transferring to a four-year university.
Sample Schedule
This Sample Schedule is provided as a guide for a full-time student starting in fall quarter whose goal is to earn the Associate in Arts, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA). The courses are designed with the appropriate number of credits to meet degree requirements and are organized in a recommended sequence. Please consult an advisor to schedule courses and develop a personalized educational plan.
Your personal Educational Plan will vary based on many factors including:
- The quarter you begin
- How many classes/credits you plan to take in each quarter
- Your Math and English placement
- If you have credits you have already taken and plan to transfer them
- The college you are interested in transferring to
- If you start in our Transitional Studies program
Transfer and Degree Requirements
Students working toward their transfer degree typically take a variety of courses designed to fulfill the general requirements of most four-year colleges and universities. Students intending to transfer to a four-year college for further study are encouraged to work closely with their advisor and transfer institution to explore the requirements of the college they wish to attend after Peninsula. Most institutions have separate admission criteria, which may be based on grades, prerequisite coursework, test scores, and other considerations. Our Sample Schedule is designed to provide you with faculty recommended courses to complete your Associate in Arts, Direct Transfer Agreement (AA-DTA) degree with an emphasis in Kinesiology and is not a major ready pathway for every institution.
Transfer Institution Information
Students can continue their academic studies at Peninsula College in the Bachelor of Applied Management degree (BAS). Please contact the BAS advisor for additional information at BAS@pencol.edu.
Students must select credits from three distribution lists: Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. A specific course may be credited toward no more than one distribution requirement. A minimum of fifteen credits in two separate subject areas must be selected from each list. For Natural Sciences, at least five credits must be a lab. For Humanities, no more than five credits can be a Humanities-Performance course and no more than five credits may be applied in world languages at the 100 level.
Program Outcomes
Program outcomes are listed on the Area of Study webpage.
First Quarter
Meet with your advisor to talk about your long-term schedule and create an educational plan to complete your degree.
Active reading, effective writing, and critical thinking, using subjective and objective approaches. Introduction to research techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Communication Skills)
Credits: 5
Basic principles of nutrition across the lifespan. Details the digestive process, the digestion and absorption of macro and micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Examines the role of nutrition in the maintenance of optimal health and disease prevention. Includes analysis of personal dietary habits and the components of a healthful diet. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences, Elective)
Credits: 5
Second Quarter
You’re doing it! Check in with your advisor to stay on track.
For individuals with little or no chemistry background. Atomic nature of matter, chemical bonding, periodic table, chemical reactions, phases of matter, solutions, equilibrium, reaction rates, and nuclear reactions. Includes laboratory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences with Lab, Elective)
Credits: 5
Reading and writing using analytical and critical approaches. One or more research papers. Builds on concepts introduced in ENGL& 101. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Communication Skills)
Credits: 5
Introduction to methods and applications of elementary descriptive and inferential statistics; summarizing data graphically and numerically, probability, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, correlation and linear regression. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Quantitative Skills, Natural Sciences, Elective)
Credits: 5
Third Quarter
Now is the time to explore transfer options. Make a transfer appointment with your advisor or the Career and Transfer Center.
Includes process of science, overview of central ideas of biology (unity, diversity, interdependence, evolution), basic chemistry concepts, biomolecules, cell structure, cell physiology (including enzyme function, energetics, synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein), cell reproduction, introduction to genetics. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences with Lab, Elective)
Credits: 5
Explores classic and modern elements of persuasion and applies that understanding to assemble, deliver, and evaluate extemporaneous speeches. Eligibility for or concurrent enrollment in ENGL& 101 is recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to science of behavior. Emphasis on biological foundations of behavior, cognition, learning, intelligence, motivation, memory, personality, and psychological disorders. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Social Sciences, Elective)
Credits: 5
Fourth Quarter
Transfer applications are open. We are here to help with the transfer process.
Structure and function of the human body. Homeostasis; tissues; integumentary, skeletal, nervous, and muscular systems. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences with Lab, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of two and three dimensional art concepts. Lectures and selected art projects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of ancient civilizations, beginning with Paleolithic cave painting and megalithic monuments. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine artistic traditions are studied in light of their cultural origins. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of western civilization from the early middle ages through the French revolution is considered. Periods explored include the Islamic, Carolingian, Celtic, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, and Rococo. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of the modern age is explored. Developments studied include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, the Fauves, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Surrealism, Regionalism, Abstraction, Pop Art, and Post Modernism. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
American Sign Language
Expanded study of ASL with emphasis on conversation skills and story telling; continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and Deaf community. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study
Examines vital issues for people who use mass media or are affected by it. Emphasis on freedom of expression, censorship, fair trial, privacy, ethics, law, media economics, technology, effectiveness in communicating to audiences and relationships to social, cultural, and political values in the United States and throughout the world. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
In this course, students will be introduced to the various forms of professional communications. Students will create multimedia stories for web, radio/streaming/podcasting, online publications, and public relations. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to Photojournalism I Foundation class in use of cameras, lenses, light, composition, timing, and field techniques. Emphasis on news and feature photography with principles applicable to all visual communications, including video. Produce black and white photos for assignments, mass communications, including the students news service The Buccaneer. Provide own DSLR camera equipment or mobile device and USB drive for photo storage and field work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This hands-on, project-based course introduces students to the basics of storytelling through creating their own podcasts, exploring their own voices and the voices of their communities. Students will examine different narrative styles and podcast types as well as interview techniques. Students will apply this knowledge while learning to plan, create, and publish podcast episodes. They can expect to become proficient in pitching ideas for stories, recording and interviewing, story boarding and writing scripts, as well as editing and crafting audio. Student may collaborate as groups or work individually to create their podcasts. Eligibility for college level English recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Social media weaves a comforting security net for some and a withering web for others. An in-depth look at storytelling practices and civic engagement using emerging web tools. The tools of mobile technology in social media will be explored as they effect civic engagement, cultures, and communities around the world. Explore the phenomena of Twitter, Reddit, and the rise of information empires in the ascent of Facebook, our chosen family and fate. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Learn in incremental stages to gather information through direct observation, interviewing, document searches, web searches, and database mining with software, such as Access and Excel, and to build a report. Use the tools of reporting to increase the accuracy and depth of news stories with an emphasis on public affairs. Learn the philosophy and anatomy of a narrative story, drawn from short story fiction and creative news stories. These tools will be applied in the pursuit of reporting basic news and to exploring trends, creating profiles, and dissecting organizations in more advanced stories. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The editing class will engage students in the discipline of editing text and images for publication. News copy desk operations will be introduced, including headline writing, dummying, page design, pagination, creating news graphics, photo cropping, photo editing, and photo packaging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Building on the skills from CMST 150, Introduction to Podcasting, this advanced, hands-on workshop focuses on creating a podcast series, with students producing a pilot episode of a story of their choice. Throughout the course, students will engage in all aspects of podcast production-from developing the show, managing files, and creating artwork to distribution. Along the way, they'll explore how storytelling relates to human experience, culture, and society, and experiment with different narrative structures and genres. The course also encourages students to think critically about the ethical, artistic, and intellectual dimensions of their creative choices, including how to engage their audience. Working solo or in teams, students will take their projects from initial idea to final edit, while giving and receiving feedback in a supportive, collaborative setting. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study (2)
Interpersonal communication theory and practice is explored in this class in regards to both dyad and group settings. Communications process is explored through analysis of several areas, including: perception, listening, self disclosure, speech apprehension, ethics, nonverbal communication, conflict, power, and dysfunctional communication relationships. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Explores classic and modern elements of persuasion and applies that understanding to assemble, deliver, and evaluate extemporaneous speeches. Eligibility for or concurrent enrollment in ENGL& 101 is recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to history, art, and craft of theater. Plays are read and discussed. Play production is studied from the viewpoints of the playwright, actor, director, and theater technicians. Attendance at current community theater production is desirable. ENGL& 101 highly recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of the major genres of multicultural literature, including fiction, poetry, and drama. Focus on understanding key concepts to increase appreciation and knowledge. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Discover successful ways of exploring fiction. Study of form and structure, as well as major novelists and short-story writers, past and modern. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Approach poetry successfully. Study of poetic form and structure, as well as major poets and poems, past and present, American and worldwide. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Helps to understand and experience a diversity of dramatic literature, from the Greeks through the Renaissance to modern and contemporary playwrights. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
General introduction to the works of Shakespeare, emphasizing the plays: tragedies, comedies, histories, and romances. Approaches Shakespeare both as poetry and as drama, concerning itself with language and with staging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of British literature from diverse periods. Selections will vary by quarter but will include classic and influential texts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of British literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of classic works as well as new voices from the beginning of American literature to the present. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of world literature from diverse cultures and periods, including historical contexts. Selections will vary by quarter but will include translations from African, Eastern, Latin, and Western literatures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of African, Asian, European, and American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of the variety and diversity of literature that forms a part of the imaginative experience of children and adolescents, as well as a part of a larger literary heritage, viewed in the light of their social, psychological, political, and moral implications. Exploration of book format, major genres, and works buy notable authors and illustrators. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of literary works from a variety of cultural perspectives. Contemporary texts and local guest speakers from different cultures increase students’ awareness and understanding of the values, beliefs, stories, interests, and experiences of those cultures. Students define their own cultural identity and participate in service learning. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of film as visual text, including key terms, primary practitioners, and major developments. Examination of film as transmitter of themes and values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to authorship in the cinema. Examination of the work of a major director or directors. Exploration of the director's life, film style, and themes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to study of film genre through looking at either one or several film genres, including literary, mythic, historic, and theoretical aspects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of connected works of literature and film. The films and texts may be direct adaptations of each other or may be connected thematically. The course will focus on a specific overall theme, genre, historical period, and/or author. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
French, Klallam, Makah, Quileute, and Spanish
Audio/oral approach, emphasizing speaking the language and incorporating short stories, comprehensive reviews and language drills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This is a continuation of KLA 122. We will continue deepening and expanding our understanding of the Klallam language. More on transitive and passive constructions; expressions of time, place, and path; discourse structure and storytelling patterns will be covered with ample practice in use. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to future tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to "intentive" (future) tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continues Spanish I and II emphasis on the four skills of mastering a second language, listening, reading, writing, speaking. Introduction to culture of the Spanish-speaking countries. Learner-centered instruction. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Integrated Studies
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human. Areas explored may include architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, photography, sculpture, and/ or theater. Discussion of these expressions, themes and styles, as well as their cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of thematic and stylistic connections between art forms, focusing on both theory and creative application. Art forms may include painting, photography, sculpture, dance, poetry, fiction, theater, film, and music. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of women’s voices and works in the Arts and Humanities from specific time periods and mediums. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Historical as well as cross-cultural study of popular literary and nonliterary texts, such as novels, magazines, comic books, films, television shows, advertisements, social media, superhero tales, music videos, and fashion trends. Focus on popular myths, icons, heroes, and/or rituals that have affected peoples’ lives and attitudes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of a theme, area of knowledge, or period of intellectual history, focusing on seminal ideas and paradigm shifts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to distinct paradigms that reflect indigenous history, culture, arts, and philosophies. Areas of attention/concentration include but are not limited to architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, sculpture, and performance. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Include the study of a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to language revitalization, place-based knowledge and expression, and interdisciplinary approaches to the humanities. Co-taught with an instructor of record and at least one but up to three co-teachers who are culture teachers or language teachers from indigenous tribes including but not limited to the Tribes of the Olympic Peninsula. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An introductory course that explores the nature of knowledge and its pursuit from the primary academic disciplines of mathematics, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. An emphasis is placed on establishing linkages across these disciplines to expand the realm of possible discourse. Students will develop and apply critical thinking, communication, and self-assessment skills, along with the ability to integrate multiple perspectives. As part of the class, students will engage in interdisciplinary readings and discussions of seminal ideas on a common theme to be determined by the instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continuation of KLA 222. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; continued exploration into Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
MAKAH 223 focuses on the use of relative clauses. Students learn to use informational question words like who or where and use them as relative clauses. The course also focuses on the interactive pronoun suffixes. Traditional Makah stories will guide the curriculum. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of how and why we listen to music. Examination of the many roles that music plays in various world cultures. Musical examples drawn from Asia, Africa, Indonesia, North and South America (including Native American tribal groups), jazz, blues, and the Western classical tradition. No prior musical experience is necessary. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Develops musicianship through study and application of compositional elements. Emphasis on musical notation, aural skills, and aesthetic musical values. Each quarter prerequisite to the next or by permission of instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
A cultural/sociological history of pop music in the USA. Musical antecedents (blues, country, rhythm and blues) and outside influences (African drumming, Latin rhythms, folksingers) will be included, but the focus will be on the pop music of this period. The music will be addressed within the context of societal issues such as racism, conformity, generational conflict, governmental repression and censorship. This class my include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Examination of central issues from each major branch of philosophy. Emphasis on understanding and evaluating diverse answers to philosophical questions about human knowledge, existence, and moral values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of informal logic. Emphasis on methods for identifying arguments, detecting common fallacies, and applying principles of correct inductive reasoning. Designed to improve rational thinking skills as applied to both belief and action. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to moral theory and its application to contemporary moral issues. Potential topics include nihilism, relativism, utilitarianism, Kant, legal punishment, distributive justice, terrorism, abortion, animal rights, and euthanasia. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Max five credits allowed as performance.
Applies principles of art, combining theories of creative thinking and modern design. Problems in organization of compositional elements and two dimensional space concepts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Color theory based on traditional and contemporary color theories. Study of painting, materials, and techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of three dimensional design. We will work with diverse materials to create sculptural forms that develop each student’s personal expression and critical thinking skills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of line, value, perspective, and form, using various drawing mediums that offer a new way of seeing through investigation of visual language of drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of color and drawn forms offers new approach for seeing. Time divided between traditional and contemporary drawing techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Experimental drawing, experience of drawing and seeing and possibilities of extending traditional concepts about drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Printmaking from past through present. Study and application of basic printmaking techniques, concepts, and media. Covers linocuts, woodcuts, multicolor prints, and experimental monotypes. Introduces relief and intaglio techniques, with an emphasis on small editions. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $20 printmaking course fee.
Credits: 5
Painting from past through present. Exploration of beginning painting techniques, concepts, composition problems. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
The course is an introduction to creating drawings based on in-class observations of a range of posed models. The class also provides an overview of the drawing process as a form of visual thinking in relation to rendering the human figure through a variety of techniques and art-making materials ranging from charcoal and graphite to color pastels and acrylic paint. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics based materials and creative process, with emphasis on personal expression through diverse practices. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative hand building techniques and processes to create three dimensional sculptural forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics materials and creative processes, using the potter’s wheel. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative throwing techniques and firing processes to create functional forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
Acting I is an introduction to craft: the balance of external technique and internal elements in order to create a flexible but consistent process that can be used to create believable characters in a variety of settings. The class is a combination of theory and practice. Students are exposed to major post-Stanislavkian acting theories that are applied in scene and partner work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning writing in fiction and poetry, other modes by request. Workshop approach, with discussion of work by class members and instructor. Reading of contemporary fiction, poetry, and theory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning script writing for film and television. Combination small lecture/workshop approach focusing on techniques, formats, and structure of scripts; plot and character development. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Human social behavior, social institutions, and society from sociological perspective. Includes introduction to sociological theory and research and application to topics such as social structure, socialization, deviance, inequality, and stratification. Completion of ENGL& 101 or concurrent enrollment recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Social Sciences, Elective)
Credits: 5
Fifth Quarter
You’re knocking on the door! Check your Degree Progress Report to avoid any surprises and then apply for graduation.
Cardiovascular system; lymphatic system; immunology; respiratory system; digestive system; metabolism; urinary system; endocrine system; reproductive system; and genetics. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Elective)
Credits: 5
Prepares individuals to perform basic first aid procedures in cases of emergencies. Learn how to prevent accidents in the home and on the job. Adult CPR. Provides two-year certification. This class may include students from multiple sections.
This class has a $135.72 first aid course fee.
Credits: 1
Study of two and three dimensional art concepts. Lectures and selected art projects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of ancient civilizations, beginning with Paleolithic cave painting and megalithic monuments. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine artistic traditions are studied in light of their cultural origins. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of western civilization from the early middle ages through the French revolution is considered. Periods explored include the Islamic, Carolingian, Celtic, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, and Rococo. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of the modern age is explored. Developments studied include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, the Fauves, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Surrealism, Regionalism, Abstraction, Pop Art, and Post Modernism. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
American Sign Language
Expanded study of ASL with emphasis on conversation skills and story telling; continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and Deaf community. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study
Examines vital issues for people who use mass media or are affected by it. Emphasis on freedom of expression, censorship, fair trial, privacy, ethics, law, media economics, technology, effectiveness in communicating to audiences and relationships to social, cultural, and political values in the United States and throughout the world. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
In this course, students will be introduced to the various forms of professional communications. Students will create multimedia stories for web, radio/streaming/podcasting, online publications, and public relations. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to Photojournalism I Foundation class in use of cameras, lenses, light, composition, timing, and field techniques. Emphasis on news and feature photography with principles applicable to all visual communications, including video. Produce black and white photos for assignments, mass communications, including the students news service The Buccaneer. Provide own DSLR camera equipment or mobile device and USB drive for photo storage and field work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This hands-on, project-based course introduces students to the basics of storytelling through creating their own podcasts, exploring their own voices and the voices of their communities. Students will examine different narrative styles and podcast types as well as interview techniques. Students will apply this knowledge while learning to plan, create, and publish podcast episodes. They can expect to become proficient in pitching ideas for stories, recording and interviewing, story boarding and writing scripts, as well as editing and crafting audio. Student may collaborate as groups or work individually to create their podcasts. Eligibility for college level English recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Social media weaves a comforting security net for some and a withering web for others. An in-depth look at storytelling practices and civic engagement using emerging web tools. The tools of mobile technology in social media will be explored as they effect civic engagement, cultures, and communities around the world. Explore the phenomena of Twitter, Reddit, and the rise of information empires in the ascent of Facebook, our chosen family and fate. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Learn in incremental stages to gather information through direct observation, interviewing, document searches, web searches, and database mining with software, such as Access and Excel, and to build a report. Use the tools of reporting to increase the accuracy and depth of news stories with an emphasis on public affairs. Learn the philosophy and anatomy of a narrative story, drawn from short story fiction and creative news stories. These tools will be applied in the pursuit of reporting basic news and to exploring trends, creating profiles, and dissecting organizations in more advanced stories. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The editing class will engage students in the discipline of editing text and images for publication. News copy desk operations will be introduced, including headline writing, dummying, page design, pagination, creating news graphics, photo cropping, photo editing, and photo packaging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Building on the skills from CMST 150, Introduction to Podcasting, this advanced, hands-on workshop focuses on creating a podcast series, with students producing a pilot episode of a story of their choice. Throughout the course, students will engage in all aspects of podcast production-from developing the show, managing files, and creating artwork to distribution. Along the way, they'll explore how storytelling relates to human experience, culture, and society, and experiment with different narrative structures and genres. The course also encourages students to think critically about the ethical, artistic, and intellectual dimensions of their creative choices, including how to engage their audience. Working solo or in teams, students will take their projects from initial idea to final edit, while giving and receiving feedback in a supportive, collaborative setting. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study (2)
Interpersonal communication theory and practice is explored in this class in regards to both dyad and group settings. Communications process is explored through analysis of several areas, including: perception, listening, self disclosure, speech apprehension, ethics, nonverbal communication, conflict, power, and dysfunctional communication relationships. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Explores classic and modern elements of persuasion and applies that understanding to assemble, deliver, and evaluate extemporaneous speeches. Eligibility for or concurrent enrollment in ENGL& 101 is recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to history, art, and craft of theater. Plays are read and discussed. Play production is studied from the viewpoints of the playwright, actor, director, and theater technicians. Attendance at current community theater production is desirable. ENGL& 101 highly recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of the major genres of multicultural literature, including fiction, poetry, and drama. Focus on understanding key concepts to increase appreciation and knowledge. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Discover successful ways of exploring fiction. Study of form and structure, as well as major novelists and short-story writers, past and modern. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Approach poetry successfully. Study of poetic form and structure, as well as major poets and poems, past and present, American and worldwide. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Helps to understand and experience a diversity of dramatic literature, from the Greeks through the Renaissance to modern and contemporary playwrights. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
General introduction to the works of Shakespeare, emphasizing the plays: tragedies, comedies, histories, and romances. Approaches Shakespeare both as poetry and as drama, concerning itself with language and with staging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of British literature from diverse periods. Selections will vary by quarter but will include classic and influential texts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of British literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of classic works as well as new voices from the beginning of American literature to the present. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of world literature from diverse cultures and periods, including historical contexts. Selections will vary by quarter but will include translations from African, Eastern, Latin, and Western literatures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of African, Asian, European, and American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of the variety and diversity of literature that forms a part of the imaginative experience of children and adolescents, as well as a part of a larger literary heritage, viewed in the light of their social, psychological, political, and moral implications. Exploration of book format, major genres, and works buy notable authors and illustrators. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of literary works from a variety of cultural perspectives. Contemporary texts and local guest speakers from different cultures increase students’ awareness and understanding of the values, beliefs, stories, interests, and experiences of those cultures. Students define their own cultural identity and participate in service learning. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of film as visual text, including key terms, primary practitioners, and major developments. Examination of film as transmitter of themes and values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to authorship in the cinema. Examination of the work of a major director or directors. Exploration of the director's life, film style, and themes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to study of film genre through looking at either one or several film genres, including literary, mythic, historic, and theoretical aspects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of connected works of literature and film. The films and texts may be direct adaptations of each other or may be connected thematically. The course will focus on a specific overall theme, genre, historical period, and/or author. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
French, Klallam, Makah, Quileute, and Spanish
Audio/oral approach, emphasizing speaking the language and incorporating short stories, comprehensive reviews and language drills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This is a continuation of KLA 122. We will continue deepening and expanding our understanding of the Klallam language. More on transitive and passive constructions; expressions of time, place, and path; discourse structure and storytelling patterns will be covered with ample practice in use. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to future tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to "intentive" (future) tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continues Spanish I and II emphasis on the four skills of mastering a second language, listening, reading, writing, speaking. Introduction to culture of the Spanish-speaking countries. Learner-centered instruction. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Integrated Studies
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human. Areas explored may include architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, photography, sculpture, and/ or theater. Discussion of these expressions, themes and styles, as well as their cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of thematic and stylistic connections between art forms, focusing on both theory and creative application. Art forms may include painting, photography, sculpture, dance, poetry, fiction, theater, film, and music. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of women’s voices and works in the Arts and Humanities from specific time periods and mediums. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Historical as well as cross-cultural study of popular literary and nonliterary texts, such as novels, magazines, comic books, films, television shows, advertisements, social media, superhero tales, music videos, and fashion trends. Focus on popular myths, icons, heroes, and/or rituals that have affected peoples’ lives and attitudes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of a theme, area of knowledge, or period of intellectual history, focusing on seminal ideas and paradigm shifts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to distinct paradigms that reflect indigenous history, culture, arts, and philosophies. Areas of attention/concentration include but are not limited to architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, sculpture, and performance. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Include the study of a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to language revitalization, place-based knowledge and expression, and interdisciplinary approaches to the humanities. Co-taught with an instructor of record and at least one but up to three co-teachers who are culture teachers or language teachers from indigenous tribes including but not limited to the Tribes of the Olympic Peninsula. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An introductory course that explores the nature of knowledge and its pursuit from the primary academic disciplines of mathematics, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. An emphasis is placed on establishing linkages across these disciplines to expand the realm of possible discourse. Students will develop and apply critical thinking, communication, and self-assessment skills, along with the ability to integrate multiple perspectives. As part of the class, students will engage in interdisciplinary readings and discussions of seminal ideas on a common theme to be determined by the instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continuation of KLA 222. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; continued exploration into Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
MAKAH 223 focuses on the use of relative clauses. Students learn to use informational question words like who or where and use them as relative clauses. The course also focuses on the interactive pronoun suffixes. Traditional Makah stories will guide the curriculum. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of how and why we listen to music. Examination of the many roles that music plays in various world cultures. Musical examples drawn from Asia, Africa, Indonesia, North and South America (including Native American tribal groups), jazz, blues, and the Western classical tradition. No prior musical experience is necessary. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Develops musicianship through study and application of compositional elements. Emphasis on musical notation, aural skills, and aesthetic musical values. Each quarter prerequisite to the next or by permission of instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
A cultural/sociological history of pop music in the USA. Musical antecedents (blues, country, rhythm and blues) and outside influences (African drumming, Latin rhythms, folksingers) will be included, but the focus will be on the pop music of this period. The music will be addressed within the context of societal issues such as racism, conformity, generational conflict, governmental repression and censorship. This class my include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Examination of central issues from each major branch of philosophy. Emphasis on understanding and evaluating diverse answers to philosophical questions about human knowledge, existence, and moral values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of informal logic. Emphasis on methods for identifying arguments, detecting common fallacies, and applying principles of correct inductive reasoning. Designed to improve rational thinking skills as applied to both belief and action. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to moral theory and its application to contemporary moral issues. Potential topics include nihilism, relativism, utilitarianism, Kant, legal punishment, distributive justice, terrorism, abortion, animal rights, and euthanasia. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Max five credits allowed as performance.
Applies principles of art, combining theories of creative thinking and modern design. Problems in organization of compositional elements and two dimensional space concepts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Color theory based on traditional and contemporary color theories. Study of painting, materials, and techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of three dimensional design. We will work with diverse materials to create sculptural forms that develop each student’s personal expression and critical thinking skills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of line, value, perspective, and form, using various drawing mediums that offer a new way of seeing through investigation of visual language of drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of color and drawn forms offers new approach for seeing. Time divided between traditional and contemporary drawing techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Experimental drawing, experience of drawing and seeing and possibilities of extending traditional concepts about drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Printmaking from past through present. Study and application of basic printmaking techniques, concepts, and media. Covers linocuts, woodcuts, multicolor prints, and experimental monotypes. Introduces relief and intaglio techniques, with an emphasis on small editions. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $20 printmaking course fee.
Credits: 5
Painting from past through present. Exploration of beginning painting techniques, concepts, composition problems. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
The course is an introduction to creating drawings based on in-class observations of a range of posed models. The class also provides an overview of the drawing process as a form of visual thinking in relation to rendering the human figure through a variety of techniques and art-making materials ranging from charcoal and graphite to color pastels and acrylic paint. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics based materials and creative process, with emphasis on personal expression through diverse practices. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative hand building techniques and processes to create three dimensional sculptural forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics materials and creative processes, using the potter’s wheel. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative throwing techniques and firing processes to create functional forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
Acting I is an introduction to craft: the balance of external technique and internal elements in order to create a flexible but consistent process that can be used to create believable characters in a variety of settings. The class is a combination of theory and practice. Students are exposed to major post-Stanislavkian acting theories that are applied in scene and partner work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning writing in fiction and poetry, other modes by request. Workshop approach, with discussion of work by class members and instructor. Reading of contemporary fiction, poetry, and theory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning script writing for film and television. Combination small lecture/workshop approach focusing on techniques, formats, and structure of scripts; plot and character development. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Scientific study of human growth, development, and change throughout life cycle. Physical, cognitive, social, personality, and other aspects of the individual examined through successive stages, from prenatal development until death. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Social Sciences, Elective)
Credits: 5
Sixth Quarter
You're almost done! Time to order that cap and gown. Good luck on your final quarter!
Introduction to bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Includes microbial structure, metabolism, genetics, ecology, technological applications, microbial diseases of humans, immunology, public health, and medical control strategies. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences with Lab, Elective)
Credits: 5
Presents organic chemistry and biochemistry, with emphasis on functional groups, synthesis, and biochemical applications. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Natural Sciences with Lab, Elective)
Credits: 6
Study of two and three dimensional art concepts. Lectures and selected art projects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of ancient civilizations, beginning with Paleolithic cave painting and megalithic monuments. Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek, Etruscan, Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine artistic traditions are studied in light of their cultural origins. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of western civilization from the early middle ages through the French revolution is considered. Periods explored include the Islamic, Carolingian, Celtic, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, and Rococo. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The art of the modern age is explored. Developments studied include Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, the Fauves, Art Nouveau, Cubism, Surrealism, Regionalism, Abstraction, Pop Art, and Post Modernism. Illustrated lectures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
American Sign Language
Expanded study of ASL with emphasis on conversation skills and story telling; continued expansion of knowledge of Deaf culture and Deaf community. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study
Examines vital issues for people who use mass media or are affected by it. Emphasis on freedom of expression, censorship, fair trial, privacy, ethics, law, media economics, technology, effectiveness in communicating to audiences and relationships to social, cultural, and political values in the United States and throughout the world. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
In this course, students will be introduced to the various forms of professional communications. Students will create multimedia stories for web, radio/streaming/podcasting, online publications, and public relations. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to Photojournalism I Foundation class in use of cameras, lenses, light, composition, timing, and field techniques. Emphasis on news and feature photography with principles applicable to all visual communications, including video. Produce black and white photos for assignments, mass communications, including the students news service The Buccaneer. Provide own DSLR camera equipment or mobile device and USB drive for photo storage and field work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This hands-on, project-based course introduces students to the basics of storytelling through creating their own podcasts, exploring their own voices and the voices of their communities. Students will examine different narrative styles and podcast types as well as interview techniques. Students will apply this knowledge while learning to plan, create, and publish podcast episodes. They can expect to become proficient in pitching ideas for stories, recording and interviewing, story boarding and writing scripts, as well as editing and crafting audio. Student may collaborate as groups or work individually to create their podcasts. Eligibility for college level English recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Social media weaves a comforting security net for some and a withering web for others. An in-depth look at storytelling practices and civic engagement using emerging web tools. The tools of mobile technology in social media will be explored as they effect civic engagement, cultures, and communities around the world. Explore the phenomena of Twitter, Reddit, and the rise of information empires in the ascent of Facebook, our chosen family and fate. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Learn in incremental stages to gather information through direct observation, interviewing, document searches, web searches, and database mining with software, such as Access and Excel, and to build a report. Use the tools of reporting to increase the accuracy and depth of news stories with an emphasis on public affairs. Learn the philosophy and anatomy of a narrative story, drawn from short story fiction and creative news stories. These tools will be applied in the pursuit of reporting basic news and to exploring trends, creating profiles, and dissecting organizations in more advanced stories. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
The editing class will engage students in the discipline of editing text and images for publication. News copy desk operations will be introduced, including headline writing, dummying, page design, pagination, creating news graphics, photo cropping, photo editing, and photo packaging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Building on the skills from CMST 150, Introduction to Podcasting, this advanced, hands-on workshop focuses on creating a podcast series, with students producing a pilot episode of a story of their choice. Throughout the course, students will engage in all aspects of podcast production-from developing the show, managing files, and creating artwork to distribution. Along the way, they'll explore how storytelling relates to human experience, culture, and society, and experiment with different narrative structures and genres. The course also encourages students to think critically about the ethical, artistic, and intellectual dimensions of their creative choices, including how to engage their audience. Working solo or in teams, students will take their projects from initial idea to final edit, while giving and receiving feedback in a supportive, collaborative setting. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Communication Study (2)
Interpersonal communication theory and practice is explored in this class in regards to both dyad and group settings. Communications process is explored through analysis of several areas, including: perception, listening, self disclosure, speech apprehension, ethics, nonverbal communication, conflict, power, and dysfunctional communication relationships. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Explores classic and modern elements of persuasion and applies that understanding to assemble, deliver, and evaluate extemporaneous speeches. Eligibility for or concurrent enrollment in ENGL& 101 is recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to history, art, and craft of theater. Plays are read and discussed. Play production is studied from the viewpoints of the playwright, actor, director, and theater technicians. Attendance at current community theater production is desirable. ENGL& 101 highly recommended. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of the major genres of multicultural literature, including fiction, poetry, and drama. Focus on understanding key concepts to increase appreciation and knowledge. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Discover successful ways of exploring fiction. Study of form and structure, as well as major novelists and short-story writers, past and modern. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Approach poetry successfully. Study of poetic form and structure, as well as major poets and poems, past and present, American and worldwide. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Helps to understand and experience a diversity of dramatic literature, from the Greeks through the Renaissance to modern and contemporary playwrights. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
General introduction to the works of Shakespeare, emphasizing the plays: tragedies, comedies, histories, and romances. Approaches Shakespeare both as poetry and as drama, concerning itself with language and with staging. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of British literature from diverse periods. Selections will vary by quarter but will include classic and influential texts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of British literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of classic works as well as new voices from the beginning of American literature to the present. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Survey of world literature from diverse cultures and periods, including historical contexts. Selections will vary by quarter but will include translations from African, Eastern, Latin, and Western literatures. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Theme-based study of selected masterpieces of African, Asian, European, and American literature in context. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Students will learn the elements of art and apply them to critiques of art works submitted to Tidepools art and literature magazine. Students will also learn the elements of fiction and poetry, and use them to critique creative writing submissions. Students will gain editing skills and practice communication skills while selecting, editing, and preparing art and creative writing for publication. Students will learn ethical, historical, and philosophical aspects of editing while serving as editors and will create and release a print magazine along with promotional materials, and will author and edit press releases, posters, and advertisements. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of the variety and diversity of literature that forms a part of the imaginative experience of children and adolescents, as well as a part of a larger literary heritage, viewed in the light of their social, psychological, political, and moral implications. Exploration of book format, major genres, and works buy notable authors and illustrators. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An examination of literary works from a variety of cultural perspectives. Contemporary texts and local guest speakers from different cultures increase students’ awareness and understanding of the values, beliefs, stories, interests, and experiences of those cultures. Students define their own cultural identity and participate in service learning. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of film as visual text, including key terms, primary practitioners, and major developments. Examination of film as transmitter of themes and values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to authorship in the cinema. Examination of the work of a major director or directors. Exploration of the director's life, film style, and themes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to study of film genre through looking at either one or several film genres, including literary, mythic, historic, and theoretical aspects. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of connected works of literature and film. The films and texts may be direct adaptations of each other or may be connected thematically. The course will focus on a specific overall theme, genre, historical period, and/or author. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
French, Klallam, Makah, Quileute, and Spanish
Audio/oral approach, emphasizing speaking the language and incorporating short stories, comprehensive reviews and language drills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
This is a continuation of KLA 122. We will continue deepening and expanding our understanding of the Klallam language. More on transitive and passive constructions; expressions of time, place, and path; discourse structure and storytelling patterns will be covered with ample practice in use. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to future tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Builds grammatically to "intentive" (future) tense constructions. Target vocabulary expands to include the five senses and lead words like auxiliary verbs, size, degrees, adjectives, question words, location and emotion. Common phrases to express opinion, thought and planning will be used to help speakers express themselves in the language. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continues Spanish I and II emphasis on the four skills of mastering a second language, listening, reading, writing, speaking. Introduction to culture of the Spanish-speaking countries. Learner-centered instruction. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Integrated Studies
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human. Areas explored may include architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, photography, sculpture, and/ or theater. Discussion of these expressions, themes and styles, as well as their cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of thematic and stylistic connections between art forms, focusing on both theory and creative application. Art forms may include painting, photography, sculpture, dance, poetry, fiction, theater, film, and music. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of women’s voices and works in the Arts and Humanities from specific time periods and mediums. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Historical as well as cross-cultural study of popular literary and nonliterary texts, such as novels, magazines, comic books, films, television shows, advertisements, social media, superhero tales, music videos, and fashion trends. Focus on popular myths, icons, heroes, and/or rituals that have affected peoples’ lives and attitudes. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of a theme, area of knowledge, or period of intellectual history, focusing on seminal ideas and paradigm shifts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to distinct paradigms that reflect indigenous history, culture, arts, and philosophies. Areas of attention/concentration include but are not limited to architecture, dance, film, language, literature, music, painting, philosophy, sculpture, and performance. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Include the study of a range of artistic and intellectual expressions of what it means to be human with particular attention to language revitalization, place-based knowledge and expression, and interdisciplinary approaches to the humanities. Co-taught with an instructor of record and at least one but up to three co-teachers who are culture teachers or language teachers from indigenous tribes including but not limited to the Tribes of the Olympic Peninsula. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
An introductory course that explores the nature of knowledge and its pursuit from the primary academic disciplines of mathematics, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. An emphasis is placed on establishing linkages across these disciplines to expand the realm of possible discourse. Students will develop and apply critical thinking, communication, and self-assessment skills, along with the ability to integrate multiple perspectives. As part of the class, students will engage in interdisciplinary readings and discussions of seminal ideas on a common theme to be determined by the instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Continuation of KLA 222. Mastery of listening, reading, writing, and speaking; review of previous material; continued exploration into Klallam traditional tales and lore. Learner-centered instruction focusing on translation and analysis of recorded Klallam narratives and conversation. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
MAKAH 223 focuses on the use of relative clauses. Students learn to use informational question words like who or where and use them as relative clauses. The course also focuses on the interactive pronoun suffixes. Traditional Makah stories will guide the curriculum. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Exploration of how and why we listen to music. Examination of the many roles that music plays in various world cultures. Musical examples drawn from Asia, Africa, Indonesia, North and South America (including Native American tribal groups), jazz, blues, and the Western classical tradition. No prior musical experience is necessary. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Develops musicianship through study and application of compositional elements. Emphasis on musical notation, aural skills, and aesthetic musical values. Each quarter prerequisite to the next or by permission of instructor. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
A cultural/sociological history of pop music in the USA. Musical antecedents (blues, country, rhythm and blues) and outside influences (African drumming, Latin rhythms, folksingers) will be included, but the focus will be on the pop music of this period. The music will be addressed within the context of societal issues such as racism, conformity, generational conflict, governmental repression and censorship. This class my include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Examination of central issues from each major branch of philosophy. Emphasis on understanding and evaluating diverse answers to philosophical questions about human knowledge, existence, and moral values. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Study of informal logic. Emphasis on methods for identifying arguments, detecting common fallacies, and applying principles of correct inductive reasoning. Designed to improve rational thinking skills as applied to both belief and action. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Introduction to moral theory and its application to contemporary moral issues. Potential topics include nihilism, relativism, utilitarianism, Kant, legal punishment, distributive justice, terrorism, abortion, animal rights, and euthanasia. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities, Elective)
Credits: 5
Max five credits allowed as performance.
Applies principles of art, combining theories of creative thinking and modern design. Problems in organization of compositional elements and two dimensional space concepts. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Color theory based on traditional and contemporary color theories. Study of painting, materials, and techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to the elements and principles of three dimensional design. We will work with diverse materials to create sculptural forms that develop each student’s personal expression and critical thinking skills. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of line, value, perspective, and form, using various drawing mediums that offer a new way of seeing through investigation of visual language of drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Intensive study of color and drawn forms offers new approach for seeing. Time divided between traditional and contemporary drawing techniques. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Experimental drawing, experience of drawing and seeing and possibilities of extending traditional concepts about drawing. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Printmaking from past through present. Study and application of basic printmaking techniques, concepts, and media. Covers linocuts, woodcuts, multicolor prints, and experimental monotypes. Introduces relief and intaglio techniques, with an emphasis on small editions. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $20 printmaking course fee.
Credits: 5
Painting from past through present. Exploration of beginning painting techniques, concepts, composition problems. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
The course is an introduction to creating drawings based on in-class observations of a range of posed models. The class also provides an overview of the drawing process as a form of visual thinking in relation to rendering the human figure through a variety of techniques and art-making materials ranging from charcoal and graphite to color pastels and acrylic paint. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics based materials and creative process, with emphasis on personal expression through diverse practices. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative hand building techniques and processes to create three dimensional sculptural forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
This course is an introduction to ceramics materials and creative processes, using the potter’s wheel. Students create a series of projects utilizing a variety of traditional and innovative throwing techniques and firing processes to create functional forms. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
This class has a $120 ceramics supply course fee.
Credits: 5
Acting I is an introduction to craft: the balance of external technique and internal elements in order to create a flexible but consistent process that can be used to create believable characters in a variety of settings. The class is a combination of theory and practice. Students are exposed to major post-Stanislavkian acting theories that are applied in scene and partner work. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning writing in fiction and poetry, other modes by request. Workshop approach, with discussion of work by class members and instructor. Reading of contemporary fiction, poetry, and theory. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Beginning script writing for film and television. Combination small lecture/workshop approach focusing on techniques, formats, and structure of scripts; plot and character development. This class may include students from multiple sections. (Humanities-Performance, Elective)
Credits: 5
Humanities + Take a course in another subject area.